Gardening- Tane Mahuta
Today for Tane Mahuta for CIP in period 2, we did some more gardening. As you know we do gardening every Wednesday for CIP. Me, Anneleise and Janel were pulling out some weeds out of the dirt,Why we pull out weed because we want to make more areasso we could plant some more plants. Me, Anneleise and Janel were putting plants into the dirt for period 3. The plants that we plant at period 3 were Broccoil and Salary.
After we finish weeding, Mr Tisch poured small little seeds into our hand for us to sprinkle it all over the dirt and then we left them sitting there waiting.
After all of that, we started to help the others because we had nothing to do. We help by cleaning up all the gardening tools. The period was success for me and I really enjoyed doing Tane Mahuta and I am glad that I pick Tane Mahuta but we will be back into it next Wednesday.
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