
Monday, September 9, 2019

Ella West Vist

When period 1 started, we went into the auditorium and a women called Ella West came in and talk about her books that she wrote. She is Author , she is women that enjoy writing books. Here is some facts about Ella West.
  • The government gets more money off her books, than she does. 
  • She wrote lots of books
  • She has a dog that has different eyes colour, one is brown and the other one is blue.
  • We like lots of colours.
  • She doesn't have a favourite book
  • She like writing books about murder.
  • She lives in Dunedin
What I enjoyed the most was that we learnt lots of interesting stuff about her and her life and that she was telling us who is in her family and the little bit about how she wirtes her books. Here are some books that she wrote.
Image result for ella west  Image result for ella west Image result for ella west Image result for ella west

Here is a little creative story that I have worte.

I felt anxious, I felt scared. What if people judged me who I am. I don't know what to do with myself but my name is Ryan and I speak different to others. I speak Swedish but i'm scared that people are going to judged me about my language. I am started school tomorrow and I am really nervours, I don't know what to do anymore!.

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