
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

2040 Documentary- Science

Today in period 3, we watched a Documentary about Solar and Climate Change. We watched the Documentary with Ts, Mt and Ds. The Documentary was very long because it took the whole period up but it was worth it because there was all of information about Climate Change and Solar. What surprised me in the Documentary was the Damon Gameau because he knew mostly everything about Solar and Climate Change and he was the mostly only one talking in the Documentary.

What Damon Gameau did was travel all around the world and talked to other people and ask what they want future and how they prevent global warming. Bangledesh was very smart, what they did was they used this boz. What it did was it collect the solar engry and then it would save it. Then if the owners wanted to they could share it to others that needed the power. Damon Gameau went to lots of countires.

At night when they needed power, they would use the box and use the power because what the box did was it saved the power and then when they needed if they could use it.

Image result for damon gameau    Image result for damon gameau 

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