
Friday, September 6, 2019

Climate Change and Greenhouse gases

AIM: To look at Climate change and the Greenhouse Effcet.

    The Greenhouse Effect experiment


    1. 1 Plastic Bottle.
    2. 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda and Citric Acid.
    3. 3 Heat Lamp.
    4. 2 Thermometer.
    5. 100 ml water.
    6. 1 Rubber Bung.

    1. Come and collect all of the Materials from Mr Plamer.
      1. Setting up the lights,bottles,Thermomter and bungs.
      2. Mr Palmer add the Baking soda mix with 100 ml of water.
      3. Wait for 5 mintues and start recording the temtperture.

      All water added to the bottles was from the classroom tap.

                                                  Findings: The Greenhouse Effect Data
      Bottle 1: Water 
      Bottle 2: CO2 Gas
      018'c 18'c
      30No recordingNo recording
      35No recordingNo recording
      40No recordingNo recording
      No recordingNo recordingNo recording
      No recordingNo recordingNo recording


      This week we have been learning around Climate Change and the Greenhouse Gases. The bottle of water didn't heat up as much as the bottles of gas in it. What I learnt was that the whole experiment because I have never heard of Climate Change. I really like this experiment and I hope I could do it again:)


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