
Monday, September 2, 2019

DLO/ Maths

Today in Maths Interchange we have been focusing and learning how to do our new strategy. The Splitting Strategy.  This Startegy is really easy for me because I learnt this when I was a year 6 in priamry. I have made a DLO on goggle doc and I hope you like my video and learnt something off it, Thank you :)

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Keyana

    You had a nice start to your DLO. I like how you spoke clearly and remembered to share the LO. Looking at your calculations, you've sorted out that 480 x 5 = 280. I wonder, can this be true? When we multiply our number gets bigger, but in this case, yours has gotten smaller?

    I wonder if we can take another look at this strategy next week?

    - Miss Birtch


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