
Friday, September 27, 2019

Safely/Equipment- Science

For this blog post, I'm going to talk about safely when you are in a science lab. Here are 10 step that you should not do in a science lab and 7 equipment you use in a science lab.I hope you follower those step when you are in a science lab. Thank you

1. No running in the sciences lab
2. Put your bags under your desk 
3. follow the things that the teacher ask you to do.
4. If you spill something you should tell your teacher immediately.
5. You should wash your hand everything acitvity you do.
6. Never taste or drink the chemcials. 
7. You should know what you are doing before the teacher since you away.
8. Follow the  instructions given to you by the teache.
9. You must never eat or drink in the sciences lab.

The equipment in the sciences lab.
1. Test Tube 
2. Conical Fask
3. Glass Stirring Rod
4. Test Tude Tongs
5. Spatula
6. Funnel
7. Measuring Cylinder

1. Image result for test tube      2. Image result for Conical Flask                                             3.  Image result for Glass Stirring Rod  4.   Image result for Test Tube Tongs

5.    Image result for Spatula   6 .   Image result for funnel   7.  Image result for Measuring Cylinder

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

2040 Documentary- Science

Today in period 3, we watched a Documentary about Solar and Climate Change. We watched the Documentary with Ts, Mt and Ds. The Documentary was very long because it took the whole period up but it was worth it because there was all of information about Climate Change and Solar. What surprised me in the Documentary was the Damon Gameau because he knew mostly everything about Solar and Climate Change and he was the mostly only one talking in the Documentary.

What Damon Gameau did was travel all around the world and talked to other people and ask what they want future and how they prevent global warming. Bangledesh was very smart, what they did was they used this boz. What it did was it collect the solar engry and then it would save it. Then if the owners wanted to they could share it to others that needed the power. Damon Gameau went to lots of countires.

At night when they needed power, they would use the box and use the power because what the box did was it saved the power and then when they needed if they could use it.

Image result for damon gameau    Image result for damon gameau 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Hurumaun- Art

This week for in Hurumanu Art we have been focusing on planning about our stop motion and doing some storyboards and making our people out of clay. I am in a group with Anneleise, Kineka and Chloe and it has been success through week 8 and this week. We had to discuss with our group who is going to be doing which role and Anneleise and I are the directer, Kineka is the drawer and Chloe is the camera person.

My story is about a girl named Trinity who has just started High School and on her first day she gets teased about her clothes/style by two girls named Victoria andAmber and a boy came into the story and helps Trinity and the boy named you Carlos. I am making a Carlos, Anneleise is making Trinity, Chloe is making  and Kineka is a making Victoria. 

What I found challenging was making the people out of clay because it wasn't staying still and it's hard to make the clothes.

Here are the photo of our people that we made out of clay!

Screenshot 2019-09-12 at 12.58.57 PM.png

DLO Maths/ Interchange.

This week for Maths we have been focusing on our blue text book. The blue text book is the highest book for maths. The page we had to work on is 128-130. There was a challenge on the maths book and it was telling us to made our own question up, so here is my Question I made up myself.

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Gardening- Tane Mahuta

Today for Tane Mahuta for CIP in period 2, we did some more gardening. As you know we do gardening every Wednesday for CIP. Me, Anneleise and Janel were pulling out some weeds out of the dirt,Why we pull out weed because we want to make more areasso we could plant some more plants. Me, Anneleise and Janel were putting plants into the dirt for period 3. The plants that we plant at period 3 were Broccoil and Salary.

After we finish weeding, Mr Tisch poured small little seeds into our hand for us to sprinkle it all over the dirt and then we left them sitting there waiting. 

After all of that, we started to help the others because we had nothing to do. We help by cleaning up all the gardening tools. The period was success for me and I really enjoyed doing Tane Mahuta and I am glad that I pick Tane Mahuta but we will be back into it next Wednesday.

Image result for pulling out weeds    Image result for gardening

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Sciences- Solar Energy.

Solar Energy

Aim: To find out which colour attracts the suns heat.

I think that Silver will attract the sun heat because it's clear and it will react because it's metal and metal always in the sun and it's gets really got.



  1. Heat lamps.
  2. White cardboard cup.
  3. Clear plastic cup. 
  4. Black cup.
  5. Thermometer.
  6. Tin foil.
  7. White paper
  8. Black paper


  1.  Collect materials  
    2. Set up the Cups:
    - Plastic cup covered with the black plastic 
    - A Tin foil Cup
    - White cup 

    3. Set up the Heat Lamp
    4. Add the water into each cup
    5. Start recording the temperatures of the water.


Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3


Today in science we have started on a new experiment called Solar Energy. I was in a group of 3 with Qyn andBianca. The tin foil cup, a white cup and a clear plastic cup covered with the black plastic. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Manakitanga Art.

In Hurumanu Art we have been focusing on planning about our stop motion and doing some storyboards. I am in a group with Anneleise, Kineka and Chloe and it has been success through week 7 and this week. We had to discuss with our group who is going to be doing which role and Anneleise and I are the directer, Kineka is the drawer and Chloe is the camera person.

My story is about a girl named Trinity who has just started High School and on her first day she gets teased about her clothes/style by two girls named Victoria and Jasmine. Later on the story, a girl called Brittnary become into the story and become friends with Trinity and help her because she was getting bullied. The basically in my story its showing Kindness from Manakitanga.

Here is my story board about my story, Hope you like it..

Ella West Vist

When period 1 started, we went into the auditorium and a women called Ella West came in and talk about her books that she wrote. She is Author , she is women that enjoy writing books. Here is some facts about Ella West.
  • The government gets more money off her books, than she does. 
  • She wrote lots of books
  • She has a dog that has different eyes colour, one is brown and the other one is blue.
  • We like lots of colours.
  • She doesn't have a favourite book
  • She like writing books about murder.
  • She lives in Dunedin
What I enjoyed the most was that we learnt lots of interesting stuff about her and her life and that she was telling us who is in her family and the little bit about how she wirtes her books. Here are some books that she wrote.
Image result for ella west  Image result for ella west Image result for ella west Image result for ella west

Here is a little creative story that I have worte.

I felt anxious, I felt scared. What if people judged me who I am. I don't know what to do with myself but my name is Ryan and I speak different to others. I speak Swedish but i'm scared that people are going to judged me about my language. I am started school tomorrow and I am really nervours, I don't know what to do anymore!.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Water Cycle.

Last week for Sciences we had done a different experiment. What we did was Water Cycle. We had to get a zip lock bag and had to draw the wate cycle onto the bag and we carefully add 1/2 warm water and 2x drop of blue food colouring into the bag. I wasn't there last week because I was sick but I do know a little bit of the experimet. We did two experiment, but I don't know everything about it. Here is my steps and Materials and my outcome of water cycle.

  • Evaporation. When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapor.
  • Transpiration. Evaporation from plants.
  • Condensation. When water vapor cools, molecules join together and form clouds.
  • Precipitation. When clouds get heavy the waters falls as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
  • Acidification: the action or process of making or becoming acidic.


Image result for the water cycle


Climate Change and Greenhouse gases

AIM: To look at Climate change and the Greenhouse Effcet.

    The Greenhouse Effect experiment


    1. 1 Plastic Bottle.
    2. 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda and Citric Acid.
    3. 3 Heat Lamp.
    4. 2 Thermometer.
    5. 100 ml water.
    6. 1 Rubber Bung.

    1. Come and collect all of the Materials from Mr Plamer.
      1. Setting up the lights,bottles,Thermomter and bungs.
      2. Mr Palmer add the Baking soda mix with 100 ml of water.
      3. Wait for 5 mintues and start recording the temtperture.

      All water added to the bottles was from the classroom tap.

                                                  Findings: The Greenhouse Effect Data
      Bottle 1: Water 
      Bottle 2: CO2 Gas
      018'c 18'c
      30No recordingNo recording
      35No recordingNo recording
      40No recordingNo recording
      No recordingNo recordingNo recording
      No recordingNo recordingNo recording


      This week we have been learning around Climate Change and the Greenhouse Gases. The bottle of water didn't heat up as much as the bottles of gas in it. What I learnt was that the whole experiment because I have never heard of Climate Change. I really like this experiment and I hope I could do it again:)


      Wednesday, September 4, 2019

      Paniting Rocks/ Tane Mahuta.

      This week in Tane Mahuta CIP, We have been trying to clean up the outside classroom in period 2. Anneleise and Janel Iwere pulled the IVY plants and we were stacking them into a pile. Anneleise and Janel was pulling the IVY plant out and I was putting the IVY plants into the piles.

      For period 3 we were painting some rocks. We got to pick our own rock and paint our own desgins. My desgin I did was my background blue, putting hearts and making a maoir desgin on it. My Maori Desgin I did was a koru. We were paniting rocks because of our outside classroom and the teacher wanted more colour and desgins in the classroom so it looks pretty. Here is a photo of my rock that I panited by myself. I hope you like it and I hope you enjoyed my blog post.

      Tuesday, September 3, 2019

      Climate Change Issue!

      Aim: To learn about the different emission of Climate Change.

      1. Transport
      2. Cows
      3. Food
      4. Factories
      5. Electriclty
      6. Waste

      Transportation: Most of the cars need gas or diesel to work because if you don't have any of those your car won't work.

      Cows: Cows create a greenhouse gas called methane when they burp and fart.

      Food: We need food becasue to survive, but it creates a lot of pollution.

      Fractories: Making clothes,cars,electriclty and processed foods creates a lot of pollution.

      Electriclty: Electriclty is a from of energy used to power almost everything in our homes.

      Waste: Our landfills are growing and using up more heathly land.

      Monday, September 2, 2019

      DLO/ Maths

      Today in Maths Interchange we have been focusing and learning how to do our new strategy. The Splitting Strategy.  This Startegy is really easy for me because I learnt this when I was a year 6 in priamry. I have made a DLO on goggle doc and I hope you like my video and learnt something off it, Thank you :)