
Friday, May 17, 2019

Poems About Myself

(1)- Crosstic Poem
K- Keyana Lee Bridget O’byrne
E- Emotional all the time
Y- Youthful in my own ways
A- Adorable when I want to be
N- Netball is my favourite sport
A- Appreciative always

L- Loving is a important word to me
E- Excellent with my work
E- Energetic with my sports

B- Bright everyone day
R- Respect other
I- Interesting in my ways
D- Darling is the word that my mum always says
G- Great and work
E- Eager with work
T- Thoughtful

O- October is when I was born
B- Brave when I hurt myself
Y- Yellow is my favourite colour
R- Resilient to everyone
N- Natural me

E- Enthusiastic all the time

(2)- By O Poem
Daughter of Deanna
How I laugh out loud, Resilience to situation.
Always sad,sometimes happy, Always caring about others
Trying to talk probably to someone, Talking in front of everyone, Crying in front of people
Has Accomplished player of the day on my first day of Netball
Stop being scared to cry in front of people, Try my best to focus about the happy stuff not the worry and bad stuff.
Christchurch- New Zealand

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