
Friday, May 24, 2019

Hurumanu drama questions about mental health

What is mental health?
A preson that regard to their psychological and emotional and wellbeing. It's also about you're brain and how your brain is working or thinking.

When I am:  1. Angry: My Sister being annoying
                    2. Happy: Hanging out with Anneleise and spending time with my family
                    3. Stressed: If I don't finished my work on time.

How do I deal with my emotions?
Talking to someone that I trust/Mum

Who is the best person to talk to when: 1. I am at home? Why?
                                                          2. I am at school? Why?

1. My mum is the best person to talk to because she the one that always understands and she always make me feel like I can talk to her and then my mum will go and talk to the Teacher or Mr Scott.

2. The counsellor Mrs K because she a counsellor and she always telling me feekback what I should do when something is going wrong and she will always understand and help what I am going throw.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Keyana,
    This is a great blog post about Mental health/Your Mental health. I like how you explained what Mental Health means and how it is related to our emotions and brain. I also liked how you told us about who are the best people to talk to about your problems and situations, good job. Anyways keep up the good work.


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