
Thursday, May 30, 2019


Aim: To learn about Mars exploration.

1. Rover facts 
2. Design, Draw and Make a Rover
3. Mars facts

1. Rover facts: 

What are the 5 parts for? 
Link: Rovers 5 parts

Fill in the table below.

The wheels have individual steering motors and the steering capability allows the vehicle to turn in place, a full 360 degrees. The wheels also allows the rover to swerve and curve making arcing turns. 
Solar Panel
The main source of power for rovers comes from Multi- Panel Solar. The Solar Panels purpose is to provide energy, not to fly.  
From more then 20 feet away, Super Cam can fire a laser to study rock targets smaller than a pencil point. That lets the rover study spots it can't reach with its arms.      
The rover has several camera's focused on engineering and science tasks. Some of the camera help the rover land and the others are the eyes to help drive around on the surface. 
Shovel, rock pick,drill
The Mars 2020 will gather samples from Martian rocks and soil using its drill. The rover will then store the sample cores in tubes on the Martian surface. This entire process is called "sample caching".

2. In groups of 3 you will Design, Draw and Make a Mars Rover out of Lego Technics.

  1. Lego Technics
  2. A4 paper
  3. Pencil
  4. Ruler
  5. Eraser
The drawing and model must have:
  • 6 wheels
  • 1 camera
  • 1 tool at the front than includes a shovel, pick and drill.
  • 1 solar panel
  • 1 laser that points at the ground

 ( Take a photo and upload  your mars rover onto your blog.)

3. Mars Facts
Link: Facts

You will need to find out the following:

Picture of planet

Image result for earthImage result for mars
Length of 1 year
365 days687 days
Length of 1 day
24 hours1 day 0 hours  37 minutes 
Distance from the sun
149.6 million km227.9 million km
Distance from Earth.
None33.9 million miles
9.807 m/s2 3.711 m/s2
Natural colors. Brown soil, Green leaf, cloudy sky.  Golden, Brown, tan and greenish
-88 to 57 C70 degrees 
Rainfall39 inches518 mm
  1. 78% nitrogen  
  2. 21% oxygen
  3. 0.9% argon,
  4. 0.03% carbon dioxide

  1. 95.3 percent carbon dioxide
  2. Carbon dioxide 95.32 percent
  3. 2.7% nitrogen    

  1. 510.1 million km2

  1. 144.8 million km2
Moons and names
  1. Moon  

  1. Phobos and Deimos

Conclusion: Write about what you have learnt.

Today in science, we were talking about Mars. I was working with Janel, Annelise, Bailey and Khaylanie. We first watched a video of a rocket carrying a rover blasting off into space and then to mars. We also had to draw a picture of a rover with all of the parts/Labels and started making a rover out of Lego

What I have learn't in this science lesson is that a mars rover hasdifferent kinds of parts and has to have several cameras on itself. I've also learn't that the solar panels only provide energy but not to fly. Overall I liked finding out facts about Mars and Rovers and I enjoyed doing this.   

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