
Friday, May 24, 2019

Going to the Buddhist Temple for the first time.

Buddhist Temple.

On Tuesday 14th of May, 7/8sh, Ts,Tz,Bh went to the Buddhist Temple, it was my first time going to the buddhist temple. We started off sorting our groups out. We had to make 2 lines but in 2 classes the 2 lines had to be, Sh,Ts was in one line and that was group 1. Tz and Bh was in group 2. We went inside first with the owner of the place and sat down in a room, We listen to him about what 3G and 4G words mean and are. These are the words that means about 3G. Do good deeds, say good words and say good thoughts. 4G words were Giving Confidence, Giving Joy, Giving Hope and Giving Converience.

After we talk about 3G 4G words went outside to get water tattoo and then we went into the movie making room and made a beautiful flower and we watch a movie about what the Buddhist Temple is. After we went up stairs and explored around the Buddhist Temple. They show us the Arts/Pictures they made and show us what the meaning is about. After they show us the pictures and arts we went into a library and show us what the library is about. The library was very small for group one, There was all of books in there but it was all chinese books.

Once they showed us around the Buddhist Temple we went into a big room and did this thing where we had to pour water on each shoulder of this doll and say, I will do Good Deeds, Say Good Words and Think Good thoughts. And also make a wish. The man that was showing us around he asked us if we want to ask any question about what we did today.

After that all happened we got bell and the bell says the 3G 4G words, we went down stairs and got something to eat and drink outside. We got a biscuit and a water and in my own opinion, I didn’t really enjoy the biscuit because it taste like playdough so I just put it in the rubbish.

Later that day , group 1 and group 2 gathered together outside and the man said “tell me what all of the 3G 4G words are” and they answer all of 3G 4G words. After he talk to us we onto the bus, my class ⅞ sh and ts we on one bus and the other classes went on the second bus and we back to school.

The time we got back from the Buddhist Temple was 11:30 am and we just went back to our classes and ate a little snack because we missed morning tea, after that we just went to the classes that we exposed to do on tuesday.

I enjoy the Buddhist Temple and I will like to go back again some time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Keyana,
    I really like this blog post that you made about our Temple visit. It's really cool that you have got everything that we did. Just be a little bit creative on how you start a paragraph because if you start with the same word, it kind of get boring. Anyways, I like your blog post.
    Keep up the good work! Bye!


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