
Monday, May 13, 2019


In the past two weeks of school we have been doing maths but in diffrerent classrooms and with different teachers. 7/8sh, 7/8ts and 7/8tz has been doing interchange maths as well. We have been going to diffrerent classes for maths and started sharing our learning with them. I am with Miss Birtch class for math and I also have some of my friends in my maths class, I have Anneleise, Mikayla, Brianna and Shanarnia. I am really lucky that I have friends to work with.

In maths we did a small test to see what level we are on and what group we will get put in. I got put in a group called TAPAWHA and we started off with a blue text book and I think that is the hardest book you could do. We were learning how many tens are there in numbers less than 1000 and the PK is Place value. We started learning our first object and I struggled at the start but then later on that day I started to understand it properly.

Here is an exmples on how to work out on of the questions.
The store only has $100 notes, $10 notes and $1 coins and I wanted to buy a watch which cost $360. My stragtegie I did was I got 3 hundred notes and 6 tens notes to make it $360, because 3 hundred dollars notes are 300 and 6 tens dollars notes are 60 so I have the right anmout of money to buy the watch.

Here is a question for you to solve:

A pair of ruby earrings for $2074
How do you solve it.


  1. Great blogging, Keyana! Thank you for sharing your Maths knowledge with us! My only feedback is to take a look at your video link as I am unable to view it properly. You gave some clear explanations on what we have been doing, and I love the way you used your personal voice and talked about your experience in Maths so far.

    This is a really great blog for your first go! Well done :)
    - Miss Birtch

  2. Hi Keyana, What a great blog post you have done! I have learnt a lot from this I love how it is nicely presented. Maybe you can make sure the video is available keep up the great work.:)


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