Today I am doing a blog post about our new kahui space. What are my thoughts? What do I like about it? Well the kahui are actaully really helpful to be honest and like we don't need to walk out of the kahui we can just walk to our other class in the same kahui and I think that's really helpful when like it's cold outside or rain or you just can't be bothered going outside! What my thoughts are that I get bad anxiety when i'm around lots of people and plus when there is to much noise and I don't get my work done I get really bad anxiety and my head gets really sore! What I like about it is that it so clean and not dirty and like I can see my friends in there other class and even if they are a different year of me but hopefully it will look better when it's finisheds!
Thanks for sharing your opinion on the new kahui spaces. I like how you gave some positives and some feedback. I also enjoy how clean and new they are! Make sure that you read back through your work and add in full stops.