
Monday, April 20, 2020

Acrostic Poem

This week for Wananga I'm teacher has set up some Wananga work so we can do something active learning, we got to pick our own blog post to post about what we just learn work. We have to complete for 3 blog posts end of this week, that's what we have to do every week. My teacher made a google doc with lots of activities and this is the one i pick, Use your name to create an acrostic poem to tell people some interesting things about you. Here is my Poem I did and everything is about me! Hope you like it.

Ketchup because I like it on everything.
Emotional when it comes to sad stuff.
Yourself because I'm trying to be myself and don't worry about anyone else.
Accomplishment because I always get my work finished on time and to a high standed.
Nextdoorneighbor because I always go to my nextdoorneighbor houses.
Anxiety because everyday I always worry about something and it turn into Anxiety.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your acrostic poem Keyana. I love that you talk about being yourself for the letter Y (: I didn't know you were such a big ketchup fan!! I hope that we can keep working together to support you if you are feeling anxious, it is great that you are beginning to share how you are feeling with me.


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