
Monday, November 4, 2019

Stop motion story

Here is a link to my story-  Stop motion story/ Bullying- Kindness

This year we have been given the wonderful opportunity to be in a great group for Art.

We have been focusing on making our stop motion this term.
This stop motion took us the whole term just to finish it.

Making a stop motion is not easy because you have to get the great angles,
edit it to make it better and then do the voice over.

Our stop motion is about bullying and kindness.
I was in a group with Anneleise, Kineka and Chloe. Here is my story that I wrote about it.
I'm so happy and proud of my group because I think our stop motion was to a high standard
and my group has learnt so many thing this term in art and I think I'm going to do art for next year.
I hope you like my writing about my story.

Image result for art word

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