
Friday, November 29, 2019

300 or more words challenge!

Today for period 3 we are wrtiting a story about what we did in the holidays or something that you have done in the past, we had to write 300 words or more. I wrote 547 words. Here is my story. 

The best time with my COUSIN!

I was waiting and waiting to see my cousin Jean. I haven’t seen her for a month but finally the day was there! Last Saturday I got to stay the night with Jean at our uncle’s house but before that I had to watch my sister’s play softball and also I saw Jean there because she plays softball too. Around 8.30, we had to leave to go to my sister’s softball game but I really didn’t want to go because I was tired, but I am really glad I went because I saw Jean but if I didn’t go, I wouldn’t be able to see her or stay the night with her!

Jean is a cousin that I have known my whole life and we grew up with each other! When we were little kids we used to fight a lot just like sister’s. Jean is just like a little sister to me but one thing I don’t like about her is that she is taller than me but I’m older than her but you know I have to move on because that’s just how she was born. 

After my sister game’s I went to watch a little of Jean’s game because I want to be a nice cousin! After I watch Jean’s game, she asked me if I want to go and stay with her at our uncle’s house. So I did. I got home and went into the shower and got ready and my step dad dropped me off at my uncle’s house. When I got there Me and Jean just chilled a little… 30 minutes later, we walked down to the supermarket to get some junk food for tonight because you know you need junk food to make your night better!

3 hours later…
We asked my uncle if we could go Ice skating because we were bored and we want to go somewhere. My uncle said yes and then dropped us off at 7.30pm and we didn’t leave until 9.30pm. I had so much fun at ice skating because I got to learn how to actually get into the middle by not holding onto the sides, I’m very proud of myself and also you would probably want to know who helped me. Jean helped me to get into the middle by not holding onto the sides. After that we keep skating until 9.00 and then we got something to eat.
We sat down and ate until we had to leave. After all that, my uncle picked us up and we asked him if we can go into the spa because we were cold after ice skating. He said yes, after we got home we went straight into our togs and we went into the spa and we stayed there for like 30 minutes.

30 minutes later... Our skin was almost peeling off because we were in there for a long time After all that we got into our pj and just chilled and watched movies while we were eating our loilles. After all of that, it was 12.00pm and we were so exhausted, so we went to sleep. This was probably one of the best times with my cousin. I’M SO HAPPY THAT I HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO HANGOUT WITH MY COUSIN AGAIN!

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