
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Reflections about Skills

Hurumanu Maintenance Challenge?

1. What did you find Challenge?
Trying to not get angry because my team wasn't listening and I get really frustrated.

2. A question we had to solve
What the measurement of the field.

3. Something you would like to learn/know
I would like to learn more about post of the field because it's interesting and I want to find more information about the post of the field.

4. Did you enjoy it why/why not?
I enjoyed doing the maths work because it's better doing something different for a change.


1. Physical Skills

  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Balances
2. Interpresonal Skills
  • Communicate
  • Organization
  • Leadership
  • Team work
3. Want to learn more of/about
I want to learn more about tapu ae and find out the meaning about it and research more about Tapu Ae.

4. Less of and why?
I would like to learn less, Dodgeball because I already know how to play it and I have play it to many time.
I would like to learn more, Crash pad Cricket because I have never play it before and it sound interesting.

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