
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

CIP- Tane Mahuta

In Tane Mahuta we have been trying to make a outside class room and trying to make our garden places tidy. My area I was doing was garden, I was turning the soil over in a row and then we are going to plant some plants.

We got to pick where we what to go and what we want to do. The area I am at is a area that we are trying to turn the soil out and trying to make the garden area more tidy by planting plants. For CIP we do different things on Wednesday but for Tane Mahuta, we are trying to make a outside class room and trying to make the another area tidy.

In week 3 we started moving the tyres that had dirt in them and carried then at the far back of the field. Once we finished doing that ,we started digging all dirt from the tyres into piles and then removed the sheet that were under the dirt. I couldn't remember the another things in week 3 because I went home at period 4.  

This week we were softering the soil to make it softer for the plants. It was a lot of work because we had to do it for a hour and my back was so sore. We find some worms and I think the worms when they help to increase the amount of air and water that gets into the soil and they also can't survive in the sun other wise they could dry up and die. After we lossing the soil, we added fresh soil on top and mixed it until there was no lumps. 

The peirod was over and we had to tidy up our mess that we made. Next Wednesday we are back there and doing it again.

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