
Friday, October 25, 2019

Water Cycle- Science

Last week in week 6, my class and Ds has been focusing on Climate Change in Science. We did a experiment about the weather cycle and I was in a group with Sierra and Rowina. We had to get a zip lock bag and draw the weather cycle on it and add some couple of ingredients in the bag and hang it up on the glass window where there is sun shining.

Here is a screenshot of my template with the materials and steps on it:


Experiment 1 and Experiment 2:
 Weather Cycle


To understand the Water Cycle


Experiment 1:
1x Zip lock bag
1x Vivid pen
2x strips of Double sided tape
½ a cup of water
2x drops of blue food colouring
1x Scissors

Experiment 2:
1x Zip lock bag
1x vivid pen
2x strips of double sided tape
½ a cup of water
2x drops of blue food colouring
1x Scissors
1x teaspoon of baking powder
1x Litmus paper 
1x Soda water


Experiment 1:

Step 1:
Grab your Zip lock bag.

Step 2:
Grab a vivid pen.

Step 3:
Draw the water cycle on the zip lock bag with the vivid.

Step 4:
Get the 2x of the strip double tape. 

Step 5:
Stick the tape on the top below the zip and at the bottom of the bag.

Step 6:
Carefully add ½ a cup of warm water
and 2x drops of blue food colouring into the bag.

Step 7:
Close the zip lock bag and give it to the teacher to stick on the glass
window where there is sun shining on.  

Experiment 2 steps:

Step 1:
Grab your zip lock bag

Step 2:
Grab a vivid pen

Step 3:
Draw the water cycle on the zip lock bag with the vivid.

Step 4:
Get the 2x of the strip double tape. 

Step 5:
Stick the tape on the top below the zip and at the bottom of the bag.

Step 6:
Carefully add ½ a cup of warm water and soda water into the bag.

Step 7: Add 2x drops of blue food colouring into the bag.

Step 8:
Add 1 teaspoon of baking powder into the bag

Step 9:
Close the zip lock bag with the litmus paper at the tip of the zip
and give it to the teacher to stick on the glass window where there is sun shining on.


I think the outcome of experiment 1 is going to look the same
because it’s only blue food colouring in water. 

I think the outcome of experiment 2 is going to probably change
because you have added baking powder into the water with the blue food colouring
and also used the litmus paper in there to see if it has changed colour.  

What happened:

Water cycle experiment:

Two Images:


The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water
For bag 1 it did a small amount of the water cycle and it also had a small amount of water.
For bag 2 the water cycle was no change at all and the water didn't change. 

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small 
3 = large 


The normal water cycle did have a little movement through the cycle and the water stayed the same.

The water cycle with acid didn't do anything to the litmus paper and the water stayed the same as well.

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