
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Stop Motion Story - Hurumanu / Art

For art we have been focusing on making a stop motion. Our stop motion is about bullying and kindness. Here is the story about it.

Hi my name is Trinity, today was the last day of the holiday, I am starting school again tomorrow but I wasn’t excited to go. I was the one that had no friends at school. Tonight is the night that I had to go back in my school routine, I had to go to sleep at 8.30pm and woke up at 7.00am to go to school but I didn’t want to go. I keep repeating myself to my mum that I didn’t want to go.

In the morning I had a really painful tummy and I knew why. When I get anxiety I get a painful tummy or headache. I usually have to go to the counsellor before school starts because I really get bad anxiety and I can’t handle it. My Mum pushed me to get out of bed, I got out of bed 7.10am and I said to Mum at “ Mum I am going to try and go to school just for you,'' Mum said “ I am really proud of you honey”. 

Once I got out of bed, I got ready for school. Mum dropped me off but I still had that painful tummy so I went to the counsellor. Once I finish seeing the counsellor, I felt a bit better. I went to my class and I sat down by myself on a chair near the table. I got settled into my seat and I went straight into my work, but these two girls came to my table.

Victoria, Jasmine are the popular girls, but they are so mean to me. They are in every class that I have at school and it’s so annoying because I just get bullied me non stop. I am so confused why Victoria and Jasmine always bully me but I do know one thing. They always look at my clothes but I thought that I had a good style, but I guess not. 

When Victoria and Jasmine was at my table they were looking at my clothes and my face and just laughing, I didn’t like that. My face turned red like I was embarrassed.  At morning tea time they came and stole my lunch and I tried to get it back but they grabbed my hair and started pulling it.

10 minutes later..
RING RING ( bell ringing)
Morning tea was finished. I got inside the classroom but someone came up to me. This girl introduced herself to me, her name is Isabella. She was so kind, I have never had a person comes up to me and talk so kind. She said to me “I have been trying to talk to you and I know what has been going on at school, I know the feeling it’s not nice, I have gone through it too”. Isabella put a smile on my face, Isabella said “ I am going to talk to those girls and make them stop because I don’t like it and you don’t like it too”, I said “ok” (smiley). 

Isabella told Victoria and Jasmine to stop bullying me and then they both walk off with a sad face. I said to Isabella “ Thank you so much, Thank you so much”. Isabella said “You are really pretty and nice, would you like to be my friend?” I said “ OMG YES, I haven’t ever had a friend that actually care about me but I just need to say one more thing, THANK YOU SO MUCH”. 

20 minutes later…
Victoria and Jasmine came up to me and ask me something but I didn’t want to talk to them but Isabella said “Just see what they are going to say ok” I said “ok”. Victoria and Jasmine asked me a question. They said “We are both so so sorry for bullying you, we were just jealous because you were so pretty but If you want can you just forget about all of this and just be friends”...  I said “ ok, I would like to be your friend but could you be friends with Isabella too”, Victoria and Jasmine said “ yes I would love too”. 

I am no longer unhappy because I have friends NOW!!

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