
Friday, March 15, 2019

Tuesday playback/P.E

On Tuesday we had P.E and my class and D.S,we played multi ball. Multi ball is with lots of sports and we play these one.

  • Netball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Touch
We played all of those games for one period because we always have two period of P.E. The second period we got pick in groups and we had to make 2 changes in the sports game. These are the games at the teacher chose from.
  • Netball
  • Touch
  • Football
Last week we were playing ki o rahi and we had groups in each class. S.H and D.S we had groups and our groups were.

  • Yellow
  • Red
  • No bibs

  • Green
  • No bibs
  • Pink
We had to stay in our groups and S.H in yellow did netball that was the team I am in but I don't know what D.S and rest of the S.H groups are. We are in netball and every sports had to make some changes but only 2.

Here are the 2 changes we changes.

  • It’s basically just a normal game of netball but before you score a goal you MUST put the ball through your legs ( Chloe will show an example ) Also you can take a step instead of passing straight away. (Keyana and Chloe will show an example )

These are the 2 changes that we made but we haven't finished yet. I hope you like my blog post that I made.

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