
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Reflection about Athletics day!

Last week on Thursday the 7th of March, the whole school had to do Athletics day. We had to pick out of competitive and social but I pick social about i was didn't want to get a place because I was a bit lazy. On Athletics day we had to be in our house colors but we had to dress up crazy. I was in green which that is Shelford.

Social is that you don't want to get place and you don't verse people. Competitive is that you want to get a place and actual verse people.

These was all of the house colors:

  • Blue - Lewis 
  • Yellow- Tuner
  • Red- Setu
  • Green- Shelford

I was hangout with my best friend Anneleise because all of the friends were going competitive but Anneleise was doing social with me, Every 7th each mouth that is when my sister pass way but it's only a mouth and I didn't really had a good day because i was thinking about my sister a lot but I was ok I try my best to have a good day. 

we had to sing a chant
this is our chant: 

Shelford is green
lewis is blue 
we are dteremine to beat you 
Tuner is yellow 
Setu is red 
we want to win for the house are dead

SORRY couldn't remember the rest of the chant.

I have really fun at Athletics day I hope we could do it again.

Image result for athletics

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