
Wednesday, March 27, 2019


We’ll explore the benefits and elements of empathy, and show you how you can learn to develop this skill. Empathy is putting yourself into other people's shoes and motivating people to feel good about themselves. Having the ability to understand share the feelings of others.

Motivate others to feel good about themselves.
Putting yourself into someone else's shoes.
Allowing your friends and other to talk to you.
Talking to others

The main thing about EMPATHY is putting yourself in people shoes !

Friday, March 22, 2019

Thinking back to Tuesday's session:

What sport were you presenting ?
S.H yellow was playing netball and we had to make our own skills up but we had to change 2 skills in the netball.

What modifications did your group make, and why?
 S.H yellow team we make only 2 skills up here are the skills that we made up.

It's basically just a normal game of netball but before you score a goal you MUST put the ball through your legs ( Chloe will show an example ) Also you can take a step instead of passing straight away. ( Chloe will show an example )

What went well?
Everyone listen and understand what me and Chloe was talking about and we didn't need to yell too.

What would you change?
I would change the skills because i didn't really understand how to do it.

What were the differences between your first and second session?
The first group was a pain because none of them was listening and I just got mad but when we move onto the second group, The second group was amazing because they all listen to my group and we actually got throw a netball game. the first group we didn't even get to play a netball game.

 Reflection: am I a leader ? why/why not?
I think I am a leader because I will understand people when they tell me stuff and I always help other people if they don't know what to do and I do.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Tuesday playback/P.E

On Tuesday we had P.E and my class and D.S,we played multi ball. Multi ball is with lots of sports and we play these one.

  • Netball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Touch
We played all of those games for one period because we always have two period of P.E. The second period we got pick in groups and we had to make 2 changes in the sports game. These are the games at the teacher chose from.
  • Netball
  • Touch
  • Football
Last week we were playing ki o rahi and we had groups in each class. S.H and D.S we had groups and our groups were.

  • Yellow
  • Red
  • No bibs

  • Green
  • No bibs
  • Pink
We had to stay in our groups and S.H in yellow did netball that was the team I am in but I don't know what D.S and rest of the S.H groups are. We are in netball and every sports had to make some changes but only 2.

Here are the 2 changes we changes.

  • It’s basically just a normal game of netball but before you score a goal you MUST put the ball through your legs ( Chloe will show an example ) Also you can take a step instead of passing straight away. (Keyana and Chloe will show an example )

These are the 2 changes that we made but we haven't finished yet. I hope you like my blog post that I made.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

5 type of music/sound

WALT: I can identify how music and sound sets a mood in a movie.

These are 5 type of musics

Image result for mary poppins returns photo
  • In the movie Mary Poppins returns the music gets really tense and it sound like it's getting a bit scary and I have watch it before when i was in Invercargill.  

Image result for wonder

  • In the movie Wonder the music gets really emotional and it tell people to stop BULLYING and I have watch this movie and this breaks my heart!

Image result for karate kid

In the movie Karate kid in 1984 the music gets tense by getting angry and it sound like someone is smashing everything down and it sound like breaking glass. 

Image result for jaws
  • In the movie jaws the music start loud and slow and then it gets faster when things are tense or something scary might be coming.  

Image result for star trek movie
  • In the movie Star Trek the music it upbeat and triumphant. 

Camera angles/Movie

WALT: I can explain a variety of camera angles used to make a movie.

The last couple of weeks we have been trying to make a movie. We had to pick a fairy tale and my group pick the 3 little pigs. In my group their is Chloe, Anneleise, Jaz, Brianna and Rory. I have some camera angles that I would to show you.


  • Over the shoulder - is a shot of someone or something taken from the perspective or camera angle form the shoulder of another person.
  •  Image result for over the shoulder
  • Long shot- long shot is a view from an even greater distance, in which people appear as small dots in the landscape if at all (eg. a shot of New York's skyline). Image result for long shot film
  • Close up- closeup in film making, television production, still photography, and the comic strip medium is a type of shot that tightly frames a person or object.  Image result for close up film
  • Zoom out- Zooming in film making and television production refers to the technique of changing the focal length of a zoom lens. 
Image result for zoom out film photo

  • Side shot- The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as "an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits. Image result for side short film

These are the camera angles that I used in my movie.