
Monday, May 18, 2020

Lockdown Reflection

How was lockdown for you?

- Well lockdown was alright actually because I got to catch on lots of sleep lol and got to eat whenever. Well with the school work I was fine I didn't need any help I knew what I was doing and everything and I like I love working at home because don't get yelled at the teacher or anything like you can finished or do it whehever! I LOVE IT!! In my free time well like always I always go on my phone talk to my friends or family and watch movies on netfilx. When I was bored I ask to do baking with my mum because like I was bored and there was nothing to do! Me and my mum bake about like 5 cakes in one day and it tooks us like 4 hours for all the 5 cakes but overall they were yummy!

But overall I actually had fun at home I wish I could stay home and not go to school AHAHA!

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