
Monday, February 17, 2020

Solubility Experiment

Solubility Experiment 

Aim: To see if salt or baking soda dissolves more in water.

Hypothesis: I don't have any theories but I think the baking soda will dissolve faster but it will turn to paste but that is it changing from it's orignal form so it had dissolved.

Equiment: A 250ml breaker, 100ml measuring cylinder, salt, baking soda, a stirring rod, a teaspoon and a ruler.

1. Fill the breaker with 100ml of tap water.
2. Add a level teaspoon of baking soda. A level teaspoon is obtained by running your ruler across thr edge of the teaspoon.
3. Stir the solution until all of the subtance had dissolved.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until no more baking soda will dissolve into the solution.
5. Record how many teaspoons of baking soda were added.
6. Repeat the experiment again with salt.

Solute Number of teaspoon the dissolved in 100ml of water.
Baking soda3

Discussion: Salt took more spoonfuls to stop dissolving.

Conclusion: The experiment was really good I learn some new stuff about solubility and it ended up being scuccesful, but i didn't really understand it but it was a good experiment.

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