
Monday, July 1, 2019


What is Tapu Ae?- It's a game that is simliar to netball. The aim of the game is to knock the tennis ball off cones.

What are some of the basic rules?- 
  1. 2 steps when you have the ball.
  2. You can hit the ball out of the players hand.
  3. Stay on your third of the court.
  4. You can only throw on each third.

What is some of the reo Maori kupu that talked about? - Pawreo , Papa Takaro, Tapu, Ki, Papa

What was your role in your team for these games?-  I was the leader that leeds my team and helps

What did you enojy the most about the game?- I enjoy learning how to play tapu ae and working with other people. 

What were some of the drawbacks that you can think of?- They didn't move around lots and they didn't do safe passed.

What could your team do better next time?- My team should move around more and when they are trying to knock the tennis ball down they should pass the ball quickly.


  1. Hi Keyana,
    I really like your blog post. I liked how you added lots of detail for each question to help make it easier to help others understand what you did. Maybe next time you could add a picture of a set up[ tapu wai court but other than that its really good.

  2. Hey Keyana!
    I really like the way you added a lot of details and answered the questions specifically. The only problem that I saw in your blog post is that you sometime forget to put some full stops on some sentences. Other than that, it was a really good blog post! Keep up the good work!!


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