Dogeball rules are:
1. 2 teams start by standing on the bench
2. Run in on whistle to collect the ball
3. Rest back to green line before you throw it
4. You get out by being hit on the full (no bonces) with a dogeball
5. You can also get someone out by catching their ball on the full
6. When you get out you move to the opposite end of the gym
7. To get back in your team, hate has to throw you the ball and you catch it or hit the bball hoop
8. No face shots
9. Be honest
Is our teamwork improving?- My team that i'm in, my team doesn't listen and there is always only two in my team doing all the work and that is me and Sierra. The only thing that my team is doing well is talking to each other kindly,. My team could work on by listening and always communicating.
Hows your fitness level?- My fitnees level is getting way better like it was last year. I think i'm fitness level is good because everyday I do netball training every wednesday and iIplay I netball game every saturday.