
Monday, June 10, 2019

Interchange Maths/ DLO Video

In Interchange maths this week was really challenging because I was sick all last week and I was exposed to do this DLO last week. I only had 10 minute to do this blog post and I had a new learning objective, (Use the column Method for multiplication up to 2 digits). We had to create a DLO of ourselves explaining or showing how to solve a question using our new strategie. I really hope you enjoy my DLO video.

1 comment:

  1. Keyana, you did a great job sharing your DLO about multiplying using the column method. Even though you were only here for a portion of the lesson, I could tell you picked up the strategy right away and am pleased to see that even though it may have been a challenge, you were successful in sharing your learning.

    Keep working hard and asking questions if you are unsure, you have been working really hard this term during Maths!

    - Miss Birtch


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