
Thursday, February 28, 2019


About the term
So far this term in music we had to do a one minute movie that i didn’t like. We started making a one minute movie that only could be one minute, we could only have 3 people in a group.

One minute movie
There was 2 classes join up and we had to make a group with two classes i was with Anneleise and Chloe. We did our recording at the courts because there was really good lighting there. We did our one minute movie about bullying because people did to stop bullying. The last bit of the movie i didn’t like because i was the one that look sad and angry.  

Film angles
Whilst filming our one minute movie we had to include angles not just keeping it at one angle. We had to used

  • Up chose
  • Long distance
  • Zoom up
  • Lifi up
  • Side angles
  • Leg angles

But there is much more!

We had to make a storyboard so we could get a better idea of what angles we were using and the senses were going include. This really helps people and us because instead of filming started away with no idea of what to do we had an idea and got it finished quicker.

After we film we add some music into it because it make it sound more interesting and makes people want to watch it and so people can enjoy it.  

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