
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Slam Poetry

 Hi there, 

Today I am showing you my favoutive Slam Poetry performances. I pick the matariki Te Kahu Rolleston performance because his energy makes people exicted to watch his performances. The words he says is very powerful but he does make people giggle a bit so they can enjoy it. The confident he has, it makes people feel comfortable and it makes me wanted to watch him.

link to the video:

Here is my own Slam Poetrys I wrote:

" I forgive myself even if i am the last person I forgive".

" They promise me the world will keep spinning without you, but honestly that's what worries me the most"

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Slave Trade Triangle & Spirituals - Social Studies

 Hi There,

This week for Social Studies we have been learning about the Slave Trade Triangle. That ocurred between the last 16th and 19th century. Back then, the slavery was a big thing in the Americas. They could take people from western Africa to work with them and without them payment, they just do it to exchange there goals.

How exaclty were African enslaved? They all kipnap them and put them on this ship. They had to lied down side to side, very close to each other so they had no presonal place back then! They had no food no drinks or even going to the toilet. It's sad to see that happen back then, According to researches and scientists, approximately 12.5 million Africans were enslaved in the Americas.

This is my link to to the passage around the countries as well just information about all of it.

What happens in Human Trafficking? The most common reason why human trafficking happens is for adultery, even children, they are sold for their bodies. But we must stand together against a torture and unfair treatment others do to one. He is known for escaping and freeing enslaved people. She conducted Underground Railroads from South America to Northern States or to Canada, it was for the slaves to escape to territories where they could be free.

 In Africa, the use of music is important and valued, back when slavery was a thing, they use music as a way to pass messages and to escape from being slave-captive. They are called the "Spirituals". One of the spiritual songs used was "Wade in the water". 

Here is the song:

This Wade in the water is another way of saying walk on the water to point out to get off the ship and into the water because as stated earlier, going through the water makes the dogs not be able to track them.     

What is sad that slaverys still happens up today and I wish it never ever happened. We need to STOP SLAVERYS.

I hope you learn something about my blog post. I hope you thought it was interesting! 

Sensory Language Paragragh

In this picture I realize the students in this photo are focusing on their work independently. They are all learning ready, fouscing on there work individually. It all looks like they all want to finished there work on time. I catch the sound of there fingers typing on the keyboard. I can pick up every all thing they do. 

I hope you like it :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Drawing For Tone Texture and Proportion

Hi there i am not good at art i try :)

Here is my little bit art i did this week, I really don't know how to tone and stuff but i do think i should improve with my drawing skills so i can actually say im good at art.

I hope you like it :(

Thursday, February 18, 2021

What is a Metaphors & Similes

Today I am writing down what Metaphors and Simliles are, here is my explaination about what a Metaphors and Similes is.

What is a Metaphors? 

A Metaphors is a comparison between two different things without  using " like or as", It's like a figure on the speech stating two things are similar.

What is a Similes?
A Poetically explainning how things are like other things, Similes is a comparison between two different things with using "like or as".

Here is somes Metaphors and Similes I have created.

Metaphors - You are my sunshine.
- She has a heart of stone.

Similes -  As blind as a boat.
- As cold as ice.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Physical/Chemical Change.

 Title: Physical or Chemical Change (heating ZnO)


Hypothesis-  Heat, Sparks = Chemical.

Equipment- Sample of ZnO (Zinc oxide)

 - Heat Source - Hot plate

- Scales

- Heat proof container - euapourating dish 

- Tongs 

- Heats proof mat.


1. Get sample of ZnO in an eupourating dish.

2. Weish the ZnO & container - record weigh.

3. Heat centainer & ZnO on hot plate.

4, Observe any changes- use phone for before and after photos ( video)?

5. Fake of heat & put on heat proof mat.

6. Let cool - observe- Photos.

7. Re weigh.

Results- What happend? The powder had changed into a high green colour when the heat started getting home. I think this is a Chemical change because the colour changed.

Conclusion-  At the end of the experiment was alright but it wasn't that intersting and fun for but hoping next lesson would be better.