On Tuesday for health we learning about taha whanau and we were focusing on what is a fake friends vs real friends! Here is my explaintion about Fake friends and Real friends and at the bottom I wrote something both about fake friends and real friends, it's what I think about it.
Fake Vs Real Friends
Real Friends:
They‘ve empathetic
They respect you and themselves
They enjoy the time of discussion
They call you simply because they miss you
They help you with anything!
Has your back all the way!
Fake Friends:
They’ve hurtful
They lose their temper easily
They insist on winning over
They only find you when they need your help
Talk behind your back
Look at you weird
Use you for money
Fake friends
In my life I have so many fake friends and Ik who are fake and not! If I could I would list some many people! Well when I can tell who is fake or not, is that when they look at you weird or like they talk behind your back and they don’t tell and then you find out from another person or maybe one of your friends are actually not you friends and actually making you embarrassed to look cool! They use you for money, and they get jealous!! That’s what a fake is! You don’t want those people in your life because they will make your life worse and harder!
Real Friends
A real friend is that always has your back no matter what happens! They never embarrass you in front of anyone, they make you happy/ makes your life happier! Talk about everything with you and always tell you the truth about everything and don't lie! Compliment your hair, shoes everything you could think of! They get along with your siblings and your parents! Helps you with everythings/ always has your back when you are upset! That’s what kind of friend everyones what’s in their lifes!